Digital Marketing has taken the world by storm long back, and the demand increased ten folds after the Pandemic. In between all the online promotion, content marketing has emerged stronger and more productive for businesses. Find out important types of content marketing for a better understanding.
The concept of content marketing is not that old and businesses have been unknowingly following the lead to draw potential clients and customers. It helps a great deal in assembling all the traffic to your website and enhances sales to reach long-term goals. There are countless content services around, but it is still difficult to come across a reliable content marketing company in India.
To give a clear picture of how a perfect content service can transform a business, look at some of the selective points of how content marketing helps business.
- Educate the leads and prospects about the services and product that the brand offers
- Builds strong relationships between the customers and business
- Connect with the audience to show them how products and services can solve their challenges
- Boosts conversions
- It will create a sense of community around the brand
Now that it is easy to understand why any business should invest in content marketing, let us review a few types of content marketing to help in better understanding.
1. Social media content marketing
There are over 3.7 billion global internet users and it is definitely difficult to calculate how many businesses actually invest on social media content marketing. It is all for the better, the oozing social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and others are just perfect to enhance the online presence for any business. Any business will grow with the right regular content. These platforms mostly utilize pre-recorded videos, stories, and content to attract long-term customers.
2. Infographic Content marketing
This type of content creation is the easiest and fastest mode of consuming long information. The content creators put in a lot of efforts to create a productively viral piece of the infographic for the customers. The piece is easy to understand, share, and consume the information from. It is considered one of the most effective ways to communicate with customers. This type of content is applicable to all kinds of the sector and it certainly has achieved a great amount of success in attracting customer.
3. Blog Content Marketing
Creating Blogs is the most powerful concept in content for inbound marketing and sharing knowledge with clients and target audiences. The information can be customer-related, product-related, or educational, blogs can be used for lead conversion, to turn followers into customers, increasing brand recognition and/or create relationships with your audience.
Depending on the intent of a specific product, one can choose to promote other blog material by linking to different blogs, sharing the links to the social media accounts, linking to the websites and products for sister brands or writing about the extended or potential product line.
4. Video Content Marketing
After an in-depth survey across various sectors, around 50% of consumers claim they want to see videos from the brands in order to connect with; it is not a matter of surprise because on personal grounds each one of us wants visual proof.
In addition, video marketing also helps in boosting revenues; it also helps in strengthening the Return of Investment and develops relationships with audience members. The creators post the video marketing material on social media networks on the official websites— which extends the reach through multiple media platforms.
5. Podcast Content Marketing
It might come out as a surprise that around 6 million people actually listen to the Podcasts. Over time, it has become a very popular content channel because of its convenience. The fact that it is quite easy to listen and people can enjoy them while driving, relaxing or even on-the-go.
That is why most of the companies have started to produce podcasts. They help increase brand awareness, build relationships with members of the public, and promote their products, services and partners.
6. Paid Ad Content Marketing
This is another type of promotion, which is very common with experienced content marketing company in India. They usually prefer the inbound way of marketing that has become increasingly popular for quick sales. This type of sales is extremely productive but requires an experienced approach and the right content to extract the result.
There are various ways to get content marketing done and the best is still considered in the organic way. However, some of the professionals will introduce a unique and productive way of marketing. The business has much scope when in the hands of an experienced team.

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