Three Major Aspects Top SEO Companies Deal With

Tactics of search engine optimization change more often than we can keep a note of. And, to simply state, these updates are essentially there because Google is trying to provide better search results.

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Rise in online competition is on the move and how! To keep yourself abreast with the latest developments in SEO demands a regular attention. Additionally, you need to have a defined content strategy along with a complete knowledge of how to implement the latest technology. If you are reading this, chances are you are looking for the best SEO company in Kolkata who can help grow your business. 

Google is transforming from being a search engine to an answer engine and it's high time you should now reshape your SEO strategies

Searches will become how people speak

All search engines such as Yahoo and Bing struggle to present comprehensive and quality query results. Google is the clear winner of all the search engines because it sees more than 90% of all the search activities taking place globally.

There is a significant advent of in the number of people using smartphones’ voice assistants in the last couple of years. Searching internet while on the go is no more a fad. So, when people are typing today, they seem to go with the way they speak colloquially. The searches are getting longer with voice commands as people now use more complicated phrases in the query. The SEO tactics, thus, are also going to change. Scalable phrases are the new thing. In your content strategy, adding bullet points or tables result in picking up your website for  voice search.

Performance matters

UX is going to be one of the crucial parameters for any website development. So, when you have the best SEO agency in Kolkata, be assured that it will keep up with technological developments and create website with faster loading time. That being said, it must be understood that Google rankings might vary but it never pulls down the websites that have genuine result.

Importance of Artificial Intelligence

AI is taking up a major part in the SEO development. Collecting and analyzing data are two pillar works of AI in web development and designing. In fact, Google intends to understand and analyze the testimonials as well that will eventually help in evaluating the website rank in the search result.

Accessing the internet has changed; the way people look out for information has shifted; understanding the advantages of responsive designing has improved; and so is the need for expert SEO. Find out how your company can benefit from today!
