Five Media Marketing Trends in 2020 During COVID-19 Outbreak

The world is at a fix with a virus that broke all barriers and disrupted the lives of millions. COVID-19 outbreak has affected lived globally and along with it every business and world economy. However, social media is a rolling ball and it introduces new things in every situation. If you have a business and want to be updated with the changing trend in the digital marketing industry during this pandemic, then you will love these trends that every social medialmarketing agency is following.

·         Increase of Augmented reality and Virtual Reality
·         Interactive contents are everywhere
·         New breed SEO fails the traditional method of SEO
·         Social commerce where shoppable contents are trending
·         Bidding in Google ads

Few trends were already in the picture in 2020, but few are the new addition to the outbreak of the pandemic. If you want the same for your business, get in touch with a professional at Carney Technologies Services to build your brand. A refined social media marketing agency follows these for business to get them in the limelight, and this agency is seizing every opportunity to market and promote brands like never before. Visit or dial 9163298336 to enquire all about the services.
